Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Caterers should adopt HACCP

Caterers should adopt HACCP
Caterer, large and small. usually have a vast number of raw materials and a high turnover of staff.

The principle of HACCP remain very relevant to this environment, however, and the implementation may begun with the use of a simple process flow diagram.

With reasonable understanding of the basic rules of food safety and hygiene, it should be possible to consider what might go wrong at each of the steps in the process.

Adopting good hygiene practice within the catering environment at all times will be an essential ongoing requirement in order to ensure that the HACCP approach will add real value and that food safety management is enhance.

Although not all caterers will have the in-depth technical knowledge to conduct what some might refer to as real HACCP study. An attempt to understand and adopt the HACCP Principles should make significant improvement to the level of food safety control possible.

The output of the studies may look less technical, the Critical Limits may not have been established through in-depth testing, but with certain degree of external; support, a simple but effective, HACCP Plan can be put in place.

Many catering organizations already adopted the HACCP system of food safety management to identify, monitor, and control contamination risks and hazards associated with food-borne illness.
Caterers should adopt HACCP.

The hazards include the biological, chemical and physical properties that may cause contamination, and the critical control points are those points , steps or procedures during which a food safety hazard can be prevented, eliminated or reduced.
Caterers should adopt HACCP

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