Monday, February 27, 2012

Symptom of botulism

Botulinum toxin is the most poisonous substance known. All forms of botulism can be deadly and are considered medical emergencies. The symptoms of botulism vary from mild fatigue to sever weakness and collapse leading to death within a day.

The food-borne and inhaled forms of botulism share some of the same symptoms, but they vary in the times it takes for symptoms to occurs.

Symptoms include:
*Blurred vision
*Double vision
*Droopy eyelids
*Slowed or slurred speech
*Difficulty swallowing
*Dry mouth
*Muscle weakness

Diplopia, blurred vision, dizziness, unsteadiness on standing and difficulty with speech or swallowing are common early neurological symptoms.

In infants with botulism the symptoms include:
*Poor feeding habits
*Weak crying
*facial muscle flaccidity
*Floppy arms and leg

If these symptoms are untreated, they may lead to paralysis of the arms, legs, trunk and respiratory muscles. If the toxin is spread through food, symptoms generally occur in 18 to 36 hours after consuming contaminated food, but symptoms can occur as early as six hours or as late as a week.

Patient with short incubation periods are likely to have ingested large amounts of toxin.

In approximately 33% of cases, the first symptoms of botulism are nonspecific gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.  
Symptom of botulism

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