Wednesday, August 01, 2018

Principle 3 of HACCP

Principle 3 of HACCP is to establish Critical Limits for control measures associated with each identified CCP. For every Critical Control Point (CCP) identified, there must be a Critical Limit (CL), or a parameter to indicate whether or not the control measure is, in fact, controlling the identified hazards.

Critical Limits are the parameters that indicate whether the control measure at the CCP is in or out of control. The Critical Limits describe the difference between safe and unsafe product at the CCPs. They must involve a measurable parameter and may also be known as the absolute tolerance or safety limit for the CCP.

The establishment must consider the food safety standard that must be met at each CCP. Critical limits are designed to ensure applicable targets or performance standards pertaining to the specific process or product.

Critical limit design should be based on applicable FSIS regulationsor compliance guidelines, FDA tolerances, scientific and technical literature, experimental studies, or the recommendations of recognized experts in the industry, academia, or processing authorities. Critical limits should not be confused with operational limits which are established for reasons other than food safety.

Failure to meet a CL is defined as a deviation. If a deviation occurs, food products being produced are unsafe or potentially unsafe. Exceeding Critical Exceeding Critical Limit indicates:
•Existence of direct health hazard.
•Direct health hazard could develop.
•Product not produced under conditions assuring safety.
Principle 3 of HACCP

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